Why Choose Degenhart
3 Simple Reasons:
1. Soft & Gentle Touch
2. We Treat You Like Family
3. Passion To Help Others Live a Pain Free Life
Did You Know We Offer Hot Stone Massages?
As you browse this website, the first understanding you must have is that the most important service that we offer is the chiropractic adjustment, let us explain.
The average American has 11 pharmaceutical scripts filled per year, we spend more per person on health-care than any country on planet Earth, so you would think we are the healthiest country, right? Wrong. The World Health Organization ranks America at #52! So remedies from the outside are helpful for emergency traumas, but to be productive mentally, physically, and even emotionally, you must look at health from the inside out.
A chiropractor is the only trained professional that knows how to check your spine and detect for "spinal subluxations". These are when the vertebra in your spine slightly shift due to a fall, bad small habits, or even emotional stress, and it gradually irritates your nerves. Gradually pain occurs, and usually in our culture, people are given pain-killers or physiotherapy, yet the spine is still out of place, and the body continues to malfunction.
How exciting it is when a person says, "I had CAT scans, x-rays, MRI's, years of pills and therapy, but only after my spine was adjusted did my body heal. And it was so gentle; I should have never put it off for so long".
So we touch your back, see if your legs are unequal in length,which detects if your lower back is misaligned. We may take an x-ray, and then once we realize by looking at your history exactly what parts of your spine are subluxated, we tailor an adjustment just for you. Many chiropractors just "crack" everybody all over, the same way. We take into account your age, your activity level, if you have damaged discs, past surgeries, and your past chiropractic experience. We want to know if you have had a bad past experience where another chiropractor was too rough. First realize not all chiropractors are the same. If you don't want your neck "twisted", we won't. There are other more gentle ways to adjust you.
Let me tell you a secret, many people are afraid on their first visit to see a chiropractor. If you are brand new to chiropractic, it's an "unknown" and you may have heard horror stories. But we will listen to your questions, take a detailed history, adjust your spine the way that fits you best, and watch and see the MIRACLES happen. So it is the chiropractic adjustment that unlocks your potential to heal. Now lets look at what other services we have added to serve you even more completely.
Chiropractic is a vitalistic philosophy based on the the idea that the body's own innate intelligence has the affinity for health. Chiropractic which means "by hands only" is the only profession that adheres to that philosophy removing critical interference from the body by addressing subluxations.
Did you know that you are amazing! In the development of the human body, a six and a half week old fetus forms the brain and the spinal cord. This is the first system formed before all other systems! Your heart beat can't even be detected until eight weeks! Off of this central nervous system grows thirty six pair of spinal nerves which off of that develops every other system of our body.
Your nervous system is the main frame circuit breaker to your body, without it nothing else can work. This nervous system is so important that your body's own innate intelligence created bone to directly surround and protect it. This is called your spine.
Your spine consists of twenty four movable vertebra which gives our body support, protection, stability and flexibility. Because the spine is movable sometimes one or two or more of the vertebrae can shift out of alignment occluding one or more of the openings in which our prescious spinal nerves travel through. This creates nerve pressure, pain, and dysfunction of not only the tissue but at times the organ on the other end of the affected nerve. This is called a " Subluxation." Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to locate, analyze, and correct these subluxations by performing gentle adjustments to the spine. Are you subluxated?
Thoracic Spine
12 vertebra with spinal nerves that affect our breathing, digestion, circulatory system plus much more.
Lumbar Spine
5 vertebra with spinal nerves that affect our lower intestines, reproductive organs, our legs and feet.
Cervical Spine
7 vertebra with spinal nerves that affect headaches, allergies, ear aches, vertigo, our arms plus much more.
• Improved Nerve Communication in the Body
• Improved Joint Motion and Coordination
• Improved Physical Function and Performance
• Improved Posture
• Relief from Back and Neck Pain
• Relief from Leg, Knee, Foot and Ankle Pain
• Relief from Arm, Wrist, Shoulders or Elbow Pain
• Relief from Stress and Tension Disorders
• Relief from Joint Discomfort
• Relief from Bursitis
• Relief from Arthritis
• Relief from Chronic Injuries
For 20 years I had chronic lower back pain that Dr. John and his gentle chiropractic adjustments corrected. Then I was further amazed when the laser gave me back my mobility in my left shoulder that I couldn’t raise after surgery. Now I could raise my arm above my head!
I’m 30 and I have arthritis in both knees. I’ve been taking medicine for the past six years which was treating the symptoms of my condition. After three laser treatments, it completely healed the cause of the pain and now I am off my arthritis medicine completely.
I feel fantastic! Since November I wasn’t getting any relief no matter what I tried. But now I take no pain pills at all from the combination of the decompression table and laser. If you have real bad pain, try it out.
Chiropractic changed my life! I had constant pain in my hips, my back, and I had headaches. Now my quality of life is much better. I can crawl and play with my baby and I can’t believe my headaches are gone. I am telling all my friends to see Dr. John.
White Haven
Chiropractic care has corrected my sciatica and my migraines are just about gone. I love the massages and the anti-oxidant scanner proved my levels were too low so now I am taking vitamins. I feel so much better!
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Friday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday 1 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Wednesday 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1749 East Broad Street, Hazleton, PA 18201
Phone: 570.454.2474 - Fax: 570.454.0097
© Degenhart Chiropractic Health Center 2023 • All rights reserved.
Site designed by Les Sincavage Graphic Services, LLC
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Benefits of routine chiropractic care may include any of the following:
• Improved Nerve Communication in the Body
• Improved Joint Motion and Coordination
• Improved Physical Function and Performance
• Improved Posture
• Relief from Back and Neck Pain
• Relief from Leg, Knee, Foot and Ankle Pain
• Relief from Arm, Wrist, Shoulders or Elbow Pain
• Relief from Stress and Tension Disorders
• Relief from Joint Discomfort
• Relief from Bursitis
• Relief from Arthritis
• Relief from Chronic Injuries
Degenhart Chiropractic
Health Center
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Friday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday 1 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Wednesday 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1749 East Broad Street, Hazleton, PA 18201
Phone: 570.454.2474 - Fax: 570.454.0097
© Degenhart Chiropractic Health Center 2023
All rights reserved.
Site designed by Les Sincavage Graphic Services, LLC